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Showing posts from August, 2020


  56. helicopter 地上有个大H的就是停直升机的地方。 57. abandon ab + ban,去禁掉  \Rightarrow ⇒  放弃。 58. province 省份。Pro + vince,其中 Vince 在 这篇博文 提到过,Pro “向前” + vince “conquer”,向前征服的地方  \Rightarrow ⇒  地区(territory,region),省份。 59. reject Re ‘back’ + ject ‘throw’,向后扔  \Rightarrow ⇒  拒绝。 60. select se ‘apart’ + lec ‘collect, gather’,分开来从中选择  \Rightarrow ⇒  挑选,选择。 注意 elect 和 select 的区别: e  在这里表示向外,向外选  \Rightarrow ⇒  选举。 61. actual act 意为一个做过的事情(a thing done),al 表形容词,所以 actual 表示实际的,现实的。 62. capital cap 做词根表示头(head),所以 cap 在英文中是帽子。Capital 表首都(首 = 头),首字母(也和头有关)。因此 Capitalize 也表示首字母化。 63. species 一种(a kind or sort),物种(生物学)。spec表示看(look),所以这个单词可以理解为看一眼,也就是一种。所以在生物学领域的一种就是物种,在物理和逻辑学中都有这个术语,这里不做解释了。 64. specific 该单词也和 spec 有关,在尾部加上了 fic(做,make),为了某一个种做的  \Rightarrow ⇒  特定的。要注意与 special 的区别,special 仅仅表示它代表了某一方面、种,而不是为了某一方面而制作(make)的,所以 special 是特别的,不是特定的。 Fic 意思是做,形成(form,make)也很常见,比如 figure 和 fiction 都与做有关。Figure 意思比较多,其中大多也和做有关,比如形状,图表,身材。Fiction 是做出来的东西  \Rightarrow ⇒  (虚构)小说。 65. agency ag,ac(c = g,发音相同)意思是做、行动(d

词缀讲解后缀篇之 “ive”

  本期是补充一下 这篇文章 ,做一个关于后缀 “ive” 的更完整的介绍。 首先介绍一下 ive 做后缀的意思,主要有两个: having the nature(性质) of a thing tending to the action indicated 与  ous  不同的是,ive 如果做为suffix,那么它的词干(stem,就是 ive 前面的单词,与 root 为近义词,起到表意作用),只能是 动词!动词!动词! (而 ous 只能是名词)。这种用法比较正式的说法为: implied by a v or by a v 下面分析以上两个意思,第一个比较简单,某物拥有某个性质(nature),例如 addictive,有使人让人成瘾(addict)的性质  \Rightarrow ⇒  成瘾性。同理 creative  \Rightarrow ⇒  创造性。 第二个 indicated 是个被动用法, \text{the action indicated} the action indicated  这个短语意思是 被表明的的动作 ,tending to就是趋向于这个动作。其中被 indicated 的东西就是词干,tending to 这个部分由 ive 表达。举个例子:Simon is active(act + ive),这里 act 就是 indicated 的东西,ive表示 Simon 有 act 的倾向  \Rightarrow ⇒  Simon 是有活动(act)倾向(ive)的  \Rightarrow ⇒  Simon很活跃。 正因为 ive 能表性质,所以大多用于正式的语境,所以在大量专业术语中能看到它,比如数学,计算机,英语… 下面介绍一些相关单词,可能有部分专业性词汇,不感兴趣的跳过即可。 Conclusive:Conclude 由 Con + close 组成,共同关闭  \Rightarrow ⇒  总结。总结 + ive  \Rightarrow ⇒  总结性的。 Transitive,过渡性的。在语法中翻译为及物动词(transitive verb),这种翻译只关注了结果,而没有突出 过渡 这一过程。至于为什么及物 = 过渡,这里做出解释: 首先 trans 为过(across),it 作为词根表走(go,知道就行不用记忆)


  小作文:邀请信 Dear Professor Ford, I am one of your students who attend your business classes. I am writing this e-mail because I want to invite you to be the judge for this Sunday English speech contest. I attended your business management classes last year, and I was impressed by your personalities and humorousness. So I thought you are the best person to take part in our English interactions and be the judge to make remarks about everyone’s performance. The subject of our contest is whether the government should pool more money to conserve endangered animals. It will be hosted in classroom E325 on March 17(this Sunday). I hope you can accept my invitation. Thanks for reading, and we are waiting for you! Yours sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:毕业的选择 This enlightening cartoon features a scene that happens when each college student is about to graduate. Many youngsters stand hesitantly in the face of a four-direction crossroad with nerves on edge and getting cold feet. In front of them, there are fou


  小作文:建议信 Dear Pres.Wayne, I am one of our students, and I am writing this letter to express my concern about students’ physical conditions and offer some suggestions. Our students only have one PE every week, which is not enough for growing teenagers at all. To improve that, most important is that advocate more out-door exercise and add more credits to PE. Secondly, communities should organize more activities to let students take their part in instead of playing video games in the dormitory. Furthermore, awareness of physical health also shall be raised, because over recent years we youths are getting lazier due to available technology. I hope my concerns are heard, and my suggestions are taken into consideration. Thanks for reading, and I am looking for your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:Mutual Company As is depicted in the profoundly moving picture, a grown woman, whose hand once held by her mother thirty years ago, is now arm in arm with her, smiles dancing on their lovely fa