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 body of water surrounded by trees


Dear Pres.Wayne,

I am one of our students, and I am writing this letter to express my concern about students’ physical conditions and offer some suggestions.

Our students only have one PE every week, which is not enough for growing teenagers at all. To improve that, most important is that advocate more out-door exercise and add more credits to PE. Secondly, communities should organize more activities to let students take their part in instead of playing video games in the dormitory. Furthermore, awareness of physical health also shall be raised, because over recent years we youths are getting lazier due to available technology.

I hope my concerns are heard, and my suggestions are taken into consideration. Thanks for reading, and I am looking for your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

大作文:Mutual Company

As is depicted in the profoundly moving picture, a grown woman, whose hand once held by her mother thirty years ago, is now arm in arm with her, smiles dancing on their lovely faces so happy as they were years ago. As time goes by, the once-young girl has grown up, and her mother has aged. And the caption under the picture says: company.

The sharp contrast intends to explicate that the young and the old are unsplittable in the fast-growing society. Usually, our parents took care of us when we are at a young age, and in turn, they also should be attended to by their children when our parents badly need it.

In my view, it is a moral obligation to respect and take care of our aged parents. Likewise, the responsibilities of parenthood are to protect, take care of, and educate children to help them recognize the fantastic world. Let’s bear it in mind and cultivate that virtue together, because only by doing so can we forge a harmonious and bright society.
