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Dear El,

It has been a long time since we had a chat last time. How have you been these days? Recently I watched a movie Braveheart on Netflix and thought you might love it as well. So I recommend this epic and historical movie to you.

The first reason is the protagonist William Wallace-a Scottish warrior-shows his perfect acting skills and real medieval life to the audiences. Second is that you are a big fan of history, so you will learn many historical backgrounds of conflicts between England and Scotland, which were fierce at that time. Last but not least, the film also advocates the spirit of freedom and the fight against unjust fate.

I hope you would enjoy the movie, and I am looking for your reply. Have a nice day!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


There are two youngsters, in this drawing, sitting on a boat who chatter and smoke happily. Surprisingly, lots of fishes are floating on the river due to the garbage chucked by them. Still, the rowing guide unexpectedly ignores their misbehavior and turns a blind eye to their actions as if nothing happened.

The cartoonist intends to illustrate that human activities have impaired nature. Over recent years, the continually improving standard of living has enabled Chinese people to patronize the increasingly popular tourism, which contributes a lot to historical sites and help local governments develop significantly. Yet the side effects should raise our concerns in that over-tourism has also exerted irreversible damage to the fragile environment, and the situation will deteriorate because of inaction and indifference.

In my viewpoint, the environmental protection brooks no delay, considering the critically undermined nature. Importantly, we should leave a clean one to posterity, so everyone must take action right now to better the environment, and the government, too, needs to formulate and implement policies to restrict over-tourism. Only in these ways can we embrace a prosperous, progressive, and promising outlook.
