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The Cultural Hotpot

There is a hotpot standing in the middle of the picture, containing various kinds of food with different names such as swan lake, enlightenment, Confucianism, etc., as if all of them were mixing perfectly and harmoniously. The caption under the cartoon says: the cultural hot pot is both delicious and nutritious.

The cartoon intends to illuminate that our culture is not an isolated island where folks only absorb things that they are familiar with. What we need to assimilate, however, is cultural features from different nations and various races. And by this means, the hotpot would be so delicious and nutritious that everyone in this society can relish what they have achieved eventually and can unconsciously affect each other afterward.

In my viewpoint, diverse cultures enormously broaden ones’ horizons. In other words, whatever we are in touch with, it may provide a different way in which we see the world where there may be another treasure in an unnoticed corner. Therefore, it is no doubt that we absorb various cultures into our ethnic veins. And it is only based on this faith that we can embrace a world full of progress, prospect, and prosperity.


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词缀讲解后缀篇之 “ive”

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