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Dear friends,

A reading session is scheduled to be held on this Sunday, so I am writing this letter to recommend my favourite book.

The book is Antifragile, which I have read several times recently, and its central idea is that, in the face of adversities, human beings need to be antifragile, instead of being robust, which is “fragile” as well. To illustrate, the individual may be fragile and delicate and wants to be solid-rock, but he also can be increasingly robust as the environment deteriorates. Furthermore, the author Taleb provides some useful suggestions to react to incidents swiftly.

I am sure the book will be practical when dealing with matters in real life. I hope each of you will read well and enjoy it. See you on Sunday!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


It has been an ordinary scene happening in our daily life that, as seen in the cartoon, four youngsters quietly sit around the table. Instead of mutual talking, surprisingly, ALL OF THEM are staring at their smartphones with happiness, curiosity, seriosity on the faces, which is quite a disappointing dinner for others but an “interesting” one for people on the Internet.

The cartoonist intends to wake our awareness of the pervasion of smartphones to our life and work. As technology develops so swiftly that everyone has been unsolicitedly enchanted by the gadget. Alas, though, most of the netizens are not conscious of the fact that they continually ignore friends, and, in turn, their friends ignore them likewise. Indeed, phones bring us convenience and quickness when two persons are distant. But the side effect is that it also distances two friends who are just close to each other.

In my view, technology is innocent because it is devised and used by humans who are way more intelligent. Moreover, our friends are way more precious than the little black screens because they are the ones who count for us. Setting aside phones is a hard choice for someone, but losing friendships is harder! So, put down phones in your hands and embrace friends in your sight!
