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black concrete road between steppe


Dear Professors,

I am a student at our university. On behalf of my fellows, I am writing this letter to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony.

The ceremony will be hosted at the Great General Hall on this Sunday (Mar 18). In addition, every professor will address a brief speech and give some blessings to the students. Please be prepared for that. Lastly, we also have planned some games, so you might better take both casual clothes and suits if you want to play with us.

You have taught us countless valuable knowledge for the past four years. We all want to express our gratitude to you. Hope we can see you then!


Li Ming


What an awkward dilemma! It has been common for contemporary college students whether to select a course of new technology, great innovations, and some challenges, or to choose one of more credits, little homework, and a high pass rate. Clearly, the boy in the picture has no idea.

The principle reflected by the cartoon is thought-provoking: a tendency that students seek easier courses is prevalent among many universities. More students are inclined to enjoy tangible happiness and indulge themselves in entertainment. In contrast, less would take the challenges in front of them with courage and overcome the difficulties they encountered.

In my view, selecting easy courses is plausible for a very short term because humans have an instinct to avoid harm in life. However, the hardship is inevitable in the long run. Pursuing easiness will make one become undertrained and might lower personal competency in the oft-fierce job market. Indulgence is pleasing for short but dangerous for long.
