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brown house near body of water


Dear Friend,

I am a member of APRS project and have received your inquiry about our project. I am writing this letter to answer your questions and give more information about becoming a volunteer.

To be a volunteer, first, you need to focus on what type of volunteer you want to be, to help children or to teach them? The final is various in terms of different individuals. Secondly, relevant skills and experiences are needed sometimes, because the problem would be easier if you have met it or have enough know-how about it. Lastly, the job also requires long-term commitment and passion.

Above are my thoughts. If you have more questions, please contact us by email via Thank you!


Li Ming


What a sharp contrast! A climber is about to give up at the half of a mountain, saying he is tired. On the contrary, his friend, who carries a heavy pack on his back, does not intend to surrender yet. With his head up, he says we can continue after a short break. At the same time, he hands a bottle of water to his friend to cheer him up.

The principle reflected by the common phenomenon is profound: the importance of perseverance. Nowadays, contemporary people loathe to hold onto one thing for long and to finish a hard and long-term challenge. This is largely because our life has speeded up due to novel technologies, which give rise to consumerism and three-minute passion.

Luckily, there are two remedies to it. First, keep focusing on a long-term challenge instead of a short, easy one, which would soften our willpower unconsciously. Secondly, finding a reliable companion with you sensible and practical. But they are easier said than done, and we still need to keep fighting.
