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Showing posts from September, 2020


  本期谈谈使用频率较高的数字,其中包含了一些有用的词根,记住之后可以举一反三地学习。 1. One One 这个单词不只是出现在英语中,通过元音变化可以变成其他语言中的“一”,比如: 德语:ein(‘o’ 变 ‘ei’,去‘e’。) 冰岛语:einn 瑞典语:en(‘o’ 变 ‘e’。) 荷兰语:een 法语:un,une(u = o) 西班牙、意大利语:uno,una(u = o, a = e),UNO 牌就是在最后一张牌需要喊出 “uno” 因此而得名。 Uni- 和 mono- 在英语中作为前缀,也表示“一”。 Unicycle,独轮车 Unicorn,独角兽 Unilateral,单边的 Unicellular,单细胞的 Monopoly(mono “一”,poly “卖”),一个人卖  \Rightarrow ⇒  垄断。 Monotone(tone,音调),一个音调  \Rightarrow ⇒  单调的(可表示函数单调性monotonicity)。 2. Two Twin,twain,twice 都是与 “two” 直接相关的单词。 还有两个前缀可以表示“二”,bi- 和 di- Bi- Binary,二进制 Bliateral,双边的 Bicycle,二轮车 Bipedal,双足行走的,ped表示“足”,al 表形容词(p = f,t = d,发音类似故相等,参考格林定律) Bilingual,两种语言的,lingua 表舌头,language 也由 lingua 变化而来 Di- Dioxide,二氧化物 Diphthong,双元音 Duo,双人的 Double,双倍的 Deuce(deu = di,ce 表名词),平局,特指在 tennis 和 table tennis 等比赛中,出现需要连续赢两次的平手,比如网球的 40:40,乒乓球的10:10等。 注:这里 w 算作半元音,所以也可以元音变化。参考 这篇文章 第一,我们称字母w和y为半元音字母,是因为这两个字母既可以用在音节的开头做辅音字母使用,又可以用在音节的末尾当元音使用。如,wet,water中的w在音节的开头元音字母前,它就是辅音字母,而few,now中的w在音节的末尾与其它元音字母构成字母组合发一个元音,few的发音是/ fju: /,now的读音是/ nau /。因此字母w的发


  The Cultural Hotpot There is a hotpot standing in the middle of the picture, containing various kinds of food with different names such as swan lake, enlightenment, Confucianism, etc., as if all of them were mixing perfectly and harmoniously. The caption under the cartoon says: the cultural hot pot is both delicious and nutritious. The cartoon intends to illuminate that our culture is not an isolated island where folks only absorb things that they are familiar with. What we need to assimilate, however, is cultural features from different nations and various races. And by this means, the hotpot would be so delicious and nutritious that everyone in this society can relish what they have achieved eventually and can unconsciously affect each other afterward. In my viewpoint, diverse cultures enormously broaden ones’ horizons. In other words, whatever we are in touch with, it may provide a different way in which we see the world where there may be another treasure in an unnoticed corner.


  小作文:推荐信 Dear El, It has been a long time since we had a chat last time. How have you been these days? Recently I watched a movie  Braveheart  on Netflix and thought you might love it as well. So I recommend this epic and historical movie to you. The first reason is the protagonist William Wallace-a Scottish warrior-shows his perfect acting skills and real medieval life to the audiences. Second is that you are a big fan of history, so you will learn many historical backgrounds of conflicts between England and Scotland, which were fierce at that time. Last but not least, the film also advocates the spirit of freedom and the fight against unjust fate. I hope you would enjoy the movie, and I am looking for your reply. Have a nice day! Yours sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:谈环境 There are two youngsters, in this drawing, sitting on a boat who chatter and smoke happily. Surprisingly, lots of fishes are floating on the river due to the garbage chucked by them. Still, the rowing guide unexpectedly igno


  小作文:欢迎信 Dear friends, Welcome to our university! On behalf of the Students’ Union, I am writing this email to express our excitement for your coming and offer some practical suggestions for your campus life here. Most important is that: Do not forget to enroll with your student cards on the first day to university, and keep your cards at hand in case of checking when entering specific constructions. Furthermore, our sports field is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., so please adjust your exercise time accordingly and do not work out too late. I hope you can enjoy your studying time and have fun here. If you have any problems, please contact us by email via . We are here for you! Yours sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:悲喜之间 There are two men, as is depicted in this meaningful cartoon, making different responses to the very same incident happening on the road where a bottle of water tips down on the ground, and part of the water in it spills out. One of them reacts to it with depress