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本期讲解词根 duct ,Duct在 这篇博文 中提到过,意为领导、引导(‘to lead’),duct的原始词根为deuk(结尾辅音变化,不影响单词意思),本文的以下单词皆与该意思有关,不需要全部记忆,根据个人精力进行学习。 1. Duke 公爵。duke由deuk演化而来,两个词长得差不多,读音也差不多。公爵是领导一个地区的人,一个领导者。 Duchess,公爵夫人。 Duchy,duke的东西 => 公国。 Archduke,arch(大)+ duke,奥地利大公,位置比公爵高,低于国王。 Grand duke,也是大公,欧洲大陆国家常见,如:卢森堡大公,托斯卡纳大公。 Ducat,达克特,一种货币。字面意为:公爵的货币。 Ducal,duc + al,公爵的 再补充一下欧洲贵族的英语,爵位按排序递减: 侯爵,Marquis。Marq = mark,标记。标记在这里象征着领地的边界被mark了,侯爵负责管理标记内部的领地。 伯爵,count(欧洲大陆国家使用),earl(英国)。 子爵,viscount。vis (‘vice’) + count,vis可能大家不熟悉,看到Vice President,应该就知道了。vice意为代替(‘instead of, deputy’),子爵是在伯爵之下的爵位,所以加上了vis。 男爵,baron,玩LOL的同学肯定知道。 2. Duct 导管,管道(如图所示),领导、引领水、石油和气到目标地点的东西。 Ductile,延展性。容易被引领的东西(easy to be led)=> 延展性。 Duction,引领。 3. Abduce 使肢体外展。away + lead,领出去。该单词已基本不用( obsolete)。 Abduct,非常容易弄混,而且算常见,意为拐走(把别人的肢体领走)。 Abductor,诱拐者。 Abduction,诱拐的名词。 该单词不包括卖这个意思,根据词根,不难理解其原因。 Adduct,还有一个意思,与abduce类似,是肢体外延(如图)。 Circumduct,肢体环回(如图)。 4. Adduce 意为引证。把其他地方的语言领过来。英英释义为: To give reasons why you think something is true. 5. Conduce 导致,有助于。


小作文:推荐信 Dear friends, A reading session is scheduled to be held on this Sunday, so I am writing this letter to recommend my favourite book. The book is  Antifragile , which I have read several times recently, and its central idea is that, in the face of adversities, human beings need to be antifragile, instead of being robust, which is “fragile” as well. To illustrate, the individual may be fragile and delicate and wants to be solid-rock, but he also can be increasingly robust as the environment deteriorates. Furthermore, the author Taleb provides some useful suggestions to react to incidents swiftly. I am sure the book will be practical when dealing with matters in real life. I hope each of you will read well and enjoy it. See you on Sunday! Yours sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:谈手机 It has been an ordinary scene happening in our daily life that, as seen in the cartoon, four youngsters quietly sit around the table. Instead of mutual talking, surprisingly, ALL OF THEM are staring at their smartp


小作文:通知 I’m a librarian at our university. On behalf of all faculty of our library, I am writing the notice to you provide some necessary information about it. First of all, our opening hours are from 8 a.m to 9 p.m. every day, except from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, so please arrange your time properly. Secondly, there are some rules you need to follow. Heels and slippers are not allowed here due to their distraction caused to other readers. Last but not least, if you intend to borrow several books, please contact the receptionist, and he will process the formalities for you. Our library owns more than 100,000 books, so I am sure you will enjoy your time here. Inquiries are welcomed and feel free to make contact with us if you need any assistance. Li Ming 2018.05.12 大作文:榜样的力量 What a sarcastic scene! On the left picture, a casual father leans back on the chair and dictate his son to study carefully and hard. The boy is clearly not happy with his father’s “dictatorship.” On the right, ho


小作文:推荐信 Dear Professor James, Welcome to Newland! I thought you might want to travel to some tourist attractions here, so I am writing this email to give my recommendations. The most appealing spot is Antara, where is full of decent local museums of different types, such as art, music, and history. You are a big fan of history and art, so I am sure that will be the No.1 option. The second recommendation is Ozark, a beautiful lake, where you can row a boat serenely or fish for a quiet afternoon. I am excited about your arrival. My picks are tailored for you, so I hope they would be taken into your account. Have fun and see you soon! Best regards, Li Ming 大作文:“有书”与“读书” It has been a common phenomenon that one is less inclined to read books, as is the man in the left picture, who leans back on a chair and exclaims that he owns so many books. On the contrary, the “right” boy is not an owner, but a practical reader, who sits in front of a desk and resolves to finish twenty books within this


小作文:邀请信 Dear Professors, I am a student at our university. On behalf of my fellows, I am writing this letter to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony. The ceremony will be hosted at the Great General Hall on this Sunday (Mar 18). In addition, every professor will address a brief speech and give some blessings to the students. Please be prepared for that. Lastly, we also have planned some games, so you might better take both casual clothes and suits if you want to play with us. You have taught us countless valuable knowledge for the past four years. We all want to express our gratitude to you. Hope we can see you then! Sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:选课进行时 What an awkward dilemma! It has been common for contemporary college students whether to select a course of new technology, great innovations, and some challenges, or to choose one of more credits, little homework, and a high pass rate. Clearly, the boy in the picture has no idea. The principle reflected by the cartoon is thought-provok


小作文:介绍信 Dear Friend, I am a member of APRS project and have received your inquiry about our project. I am writing this letter to answer your questions and give more information about becoming a volunteer. To be a volunteer, first, you need to focus on what type of volunteer you want to be, to help children or to teach them? The final is various in terms of different individuals. Secondly, relevant skills and experiences are needed sometimes, because the problem would be easier if you have met it or have enough know-how about it. Lastly, the job also requires long-term commitment and passion. Above are my thoughts. If you have more questions, please contact us by email via . Thank you! Sincerely, Li Ming 大作文:登山者 What a sharp contrast! A climber is about to give up at the half of a mountain, saying he is tired. On the contrary, his friend, who carries a heavy pack on his back, does not intend to surrender yet. With his head up, he says we can continue after a short break. A


写得很好,通俗易懂,适合学习者反复阅读的一篇文章。 本文出处: 昨天澎湃新闻网官方微博发了这么一条新闻,看完后我拈花一笑,憋出了一个响屁。心里想着: 首先这里champion的意思是: 然后everyday在这里的意思是普通的,不是每一天的,区别于every day,虽然老美自己有时会混用: 所以希拉里那句话应该这么理解:美国平头老百姓迫切需要一位捍卫他们利益的总统,老娘我就为这个来竞选大美利坚总统!!! 用这个例子来作为今天话题的引子我想不唐突。 接下来我从以下几个方面来详细阐述我对这个问题的想法: 什么是一词多义 英文为什么会有一词多义 一词多义掌握不牢靠会有什么危害 克服一词多义干扰的理论方法 克服一词多义的实践号召 一、什么是一词多义 普通读者理解的一词多义是包括polysemy(多义词)和homonym(同形异源)的。 我先介绍一下什么是homonym (同形异源)。 Homonym最早来自希腊语homonymon,homo意指(同一),onym指name, 就是说(两个意思)具有相同的名字。严格意义上说,同形异源现象指语言中词源上没有联系的词碰巧用相同的字母表征。例如,bass1表“巴斯鱼”时,它的语源是古英语barse; bass2表“声音,如低音或男低音”时,它的语源是意大利语basso。凭我个人经验判断,这种类型的一词多义现象比例非常低,并且很多字典里也会注明是来自不同语源,当然也不存在什么黑魔法帮助你更有效地理解他们。 Homonym最早来自希腊语homonymon,homo意指(同一),onym指name, 就是说(两个意思)具有相同的名字。严格意义上说,同形异源现象指语言中词源上没有联系的词碰巧用相同的字母表征。例如,bass1表“巴斯鱼”时,它的语源是古英语barse; bass2表“声音,如低音或男低音”时,它的语源是意大利语basso。凭我个人经验判断,这种类型的一词多义现象比例非常低,并且很多字典里也会注明是来自不同语源,当然也不存在什么黑魔法帮助你更有效地理解他们。 接下来本文讨论的一词多义就特指polysemy(多义词)这种情况。 二、为什么会有一词多义现象 人类语言要发展先得在大脑中有事物的概念,然后用符号去实例化(看